RDR Application: An Accurate HTHP Rheological Modeling for The Sulphonated Water-Based Drilling Fluid

Lin Xu1, 3, *, Han Gao2, Ming-biao Xu3, Fu-chang You4, Xiao-liang Wang4
1 College of Petrochemical and Energetic Engineering, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316022, P.R China
2 Engineering Technology Research Institute of PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Karamay 834000, P.R China
3 Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Unconventional Oil and Gas, Wuhan 430100, P.R China
4 Jiahua Technology Co., Ltd, Jingzhou 434000, P.R China

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© 2017 Xu et al.

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* Address correspondence to this author at the College of Petrochemical and Energetic Engineering, Zhejiang Ocean University, No. 1, South Haida Road, Zhoushan, 316022, P.R. China; Tel: +8613567661648; Fax: +86 716 8060863, E-mail: xuhu_11@yeah.net



An accurate HTHP rheological model of drilling fluids is critical for the safe and economic drilling operation. However, general HTHP rheological modeling methods appear to be very limited in the predictive accuracy.

Materials and Method:

In this work, a particular relative dial readings(RDR) modeling experiment was conducted on a weighted sulphonated water-based drilling fluid within a certain temperature and pressure range(30-150°C, 0.1-100MPa), in combination to dial reading data of six specific shear rates 3, 6, 100, 200, 300, and 600rpm, to develop a highly accurate HTHP rheological model. The RDR modeling procedure was investigated in details, including relative dial reading, Arrhenius relation, polynomial of pressure coefficients, and polynomial of shear rate coefficients. An equation relating RDR to temperature, pressure, and shear rate was determined.


The predictive deviation was calculated to be lower than 11.7%, and large errors occurred under the conditions of high pressure and low shear rates; all of which meet the requirement of in-field predictive accuracy. These results not only provide an accurate HTHP rheological equation for the weighted sulphonated water-based drilling fluid, but also propose an effective HTHP rheological modeling strategy for drilling fluids.

Keywords: RDR, HTHP, Rheological model, The sulphonated water-based drilling fluids, Predictive deviation.